David Mangeni Makokha
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I was preached to by a Baptist minister and recognized I was a sinner. I repented of my sins and confessed with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. It was my desire to work for the Lord. I enrolled in Bible College and studied for the ministry. Afterwards I was called as a pastor to Lunga Baptist Bible Church.
My wife heard the message of Jesus and has been born again. She is a hardworking woman, a good mother to our children and our adopted child. We are most happy together and she is a great help to me in my ministry.
Currently I am involved in church planting, open-air evangelism, tribal evangelism, discipleship, Bible teaching, slum ministries and other forms of evangelism. I have trained two men to be pastors and have started two new churches. So far, 50 souls have come to know the Lord through my ministry. I have baptized 45 of them.
We live in a one room house made of mud with a thatch roof. Some of our favorite foods include ugali (a corn meal porridge), meat, rice, tea, eggs and potatoes. I am able to grow some food, the remainder I purchase at the market.
Please pray for us in my ministry that I will accomplish all the things that the Lord has for me to do. Since we live below the poverty level, any assistance financially would be a great blessing to us. Pray for the church for us to be able to win many souls to the Lord. Pray for the Lord to raise up a sponsor for us soon to share in the ministry.
Report Files Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.
To date this preacher has:
Churches Started | 22 | Villages Evangelized | 181 | Professions of Faith | 1743 | Believers Baptized | 474 | What do these mean?
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Wife: Rebecca Children: 8 Country: Kenya
Needs additional support What is a sponsorship? | |
I was saved in 1994. It was a week day service at our home when the pastor was preaching about sin and mercy of God to a sinner. I repented and received Jesus as my Savior and Lord. I was baptized and remained under the teaching of the Word of God and by so doing, I was moved by the Holy Spirit to join a Bible College and in my third year God called me to His ministry. I have been in the ministry since that time. ...Read More