Wife: Nancy Children: 3 Country: Congo Democratic Republic of
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I was born a Muslim and was the only boy in a family with 4 girls. I was so loved and treasured by my family that I could do no wrong and no one could rebuke me or question me. When I was 14 I visited a church on a Sunday morning out of curiosity to see how the Christians worshiped. There I saw a beautiful girl who was signing praises to Jesus.i determined that I would speak to her at the end of the service. The service went on and on and seemed like a waste of time until the preaching started. The pastor spoke about the power of the cross and I was the first person to respond in the invitation. I was ashamed of how I had been thinking about the girl and gave my life to serve the Lord. That was 1994. One week later I joined the choir. IN 1997 I began Bible training and in 1999 pastored my first church. I was 19years old. Since then I have been involved in church planting. ...Read More