Alfred Sumba Kweona
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One day I was by the Market Centre when I heard a Baptist preacher having a crusade. I saw my sins and repented and was saved. When I went home I told my wife what had happened to me and I took her to the church where she too became convicted and was saved. Since that day we have been faithful in church. After the first three years I felt the calling of God into the ministry so I enrolled in the Baptist Bible institute in Eldoret and was trained by Missionary Randall Stirewalt. I graduated in 1999.
For a time I was the youth leader, then I began training others for the ministry and now there are two men serving whom I trained. Then I went out and started a church in the Busia District. I speak the languages of the Luhya, Luo and Swahili. My wife and I are both from the Luhya tribe. In our district all of our churches work together to help each other spiritually and financially so I give much of my time to helping the other pastors.
I cannot do much for the other churches economically because I have a family budget of about $53 but my church pays me only about $21. That is all they have because our nation is poor and we have suffered for years with drought and civil and tribal war. To feed my family I have to spend time working in the fields and that takes time away from the ministry. With your support I will be able to be full time in the ministry and accomplish so much more for the glory of God. Until then I will continue to serve as best I can and help to bring my country to Christ.
Report Files Every 4 months sponsorship funds are sent to the preachers. With it goes a Missionary Report Form for each one to complete and return to our office. After compilation of statistics they are forwarded by mail or email to the sponsors. Below are past report forms from this preacher. They have been modified to protect the financial data of the sponsor.
To date this preacher has:
Churches Started | 10 | Villages Evangelized | 174 | Professions of Faith | 742 | Believers Baptized | 597 | What do these mean?
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